Sunday, April 27, 2014

My goodness how can this be...

...I wonder how many bloggers stop writing and then decide to go for it again?  I especially missed the photography.  I will see something out of the car window and think 'wow, that would make a great blog photo' and then keep driving.  I have decided to slow down again and stop the car once and awhile!

This is the perfect time to start things off...spring!...intense green!!  Greens off all shades but not the deeper greens of summer, these greens have lots of limes, yellows and tinges of reds.  Because we moved to the woods I now can sit outside and am literally surrounded with green.  Everything has decided to wake up and just live life large!  Bugs galore, birds galore, frogs ta-da! photo number one:  a gorgeous swallow tail butterfly that loves the blossoms on this bush. 

Unfortunately, I don't know the species of this lovely bush but it attacts everything...honeybees, butterflies, bumblebees...when I sit below its branches in the afternoons, it is actually noisey with the hum of insects. 

In our family we also have someone new...a new baby grandson!  Baby Devlin rounding out three weeks and thriving with all the sweetness of spring.

And while baby slept big sister headed for the pond and a little tiny frog catching...nothing like a little mud and sunshine to make a young girl happy!  (I know these days will quickly pass so must record this for posterity!)

Love you big sis!