Thursday, May 19, 2011


...from my front porch.

Pretty huh?

Last Saturday was the 'city-wide' garage sale so three generations of garage sale shoppers (grandma, daughter, granddaughter) hit the road - it was an exceptionally fun day! 

We started in the country following signs - "4 miles south, 1 mile east"  - The address does not appear on many signs and you had better know your compass directions (but that is not too hard here as most of the roads are on a grid - north/south and east/west!).  A list of unusual items noted:  cow/calf pair - bantam chickens - burn barrels - no, we did not stuff a cow/calf pair in the back of the car!  but tempted! 

What I did get - cute chairs, candle holders, silver spoons, a Vera Bradley NEW wallet for $1!, toys for the little person riding shotgun...

The most precious find...memories built together with the people I love the most!

Idea of the week:  Don't worry if your head is in the clouds.  It is lovely up here!

Happiness to you until next time we meet on the airwaves!